Error1303. The installer has insufficient previleges to access this directory:
...\x86_Microsoft.MSXML2_6bd6b9abf345378f_4.20.9818.0_x-ww_8ff50c5d.The installation cannot continue.Log on as an administrator or contact your support.
I obtained the above error when i try to install sony ericsson pc suite for the w200i model.But the error points out that 'to be log on as administrator'.Yes i logged as it,but I dont know why the error message pointed to be as 'administrator'.Below is the proof for this error,
I think this may because of compatibility problem between application software and system software.In my system the above error occurs in the windows7 platform.
...\x86_Microsoft.MSXML2_6bd6b9abf345378f_4.20.9818.0_x-ww_8ff50c5d.The installation cannot continue.Log on as an administrator or contact your support.
I obtained the above error when i try to install sony ericsson pc suite for the w200i model.But the error points out that 'to be log on as administrator'.Yes i logged as it,but I dont know why the error message pointed to be as 'administrator'.Below is the proof for this error,
I think this may because of compatibility problem between application software and system software.In my system the above error occurs in the windows7 platform.
The installer has insufficient previleges to access this directory.I think this may because of compatibility problem between application software and system software.In my system the above error occurs in the windows7 platform.